Friday, September 20, 2013

Observations Driven by a Passion for Communications

Over the years working with large marketing services and PR firms, boutique agencies, in-house corporate communications departments and the media I've developed a passion for communications .  I've watched how this world changed -- and I've been fortunate to have had a hand in its evolution. 

While this was happening, I was able to share my perspectives through my PR agency's blog, Topaz Partner's Tech PR Gems. For years, this was an active platform for the Topaz team's opinions and insights on "the intersection of technology and public relations." 

With Topaz and Tech PR Gems behind me, I'm looking to refresh this "communications watch" with a broader spotlight on developments in and around the ever-changing and expanding world of public relations, social media, corporate communications and marketing services.

I welcome your comments and opinions -- I hope others who share my passion for communications are moved by these observations to join in the dialogue. 

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