Friday, January 17, 2014

A Promising Start to the New Year for Followers of Technology

I took a break from blogging over the holidays and now plan to go quiet for another few days while on vacation.  But one recent news item bears mention here -- a Boston Globe report on the nearly $1 billion in venture capital Massachusetts received in 2013.  As a communications professional who stumbled into the technology world many years ago, this is welcome news as we look ahead to 2014.  I feel fortunate to live and work in a region where so much of the technology that impacts our lives today is created -- technology that designs the products we use, enables us to better communicate with one another, entertains us when we're bored, informs us when we're curious, aids us when we're sick.  Now its true we're not alone as a technology hub, but no other region has the history and the resilience that our state can claim.  I look forward to continuing to tell those stories of those companies that make up the Massachusetts tech community.  And there will be many stories -- as this Globe story reports, while this level of investment made for a positive 2013, technology companies have a lot to look forward to in the year ahead.

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