Wednesday, April 23, 2014

The Past, Present and Future of Change in PR and Communications
It's no secret that the practice of PR -- and the mindset of PR professionals -- has evolved in recent years.  But one wonders if those of us who are on the front lines every day -- finding new ways to tell  the stories of the companies we represent --  appreciate how dramatically our lives have changed.
This hit home for me earlier this year, when Ragan’s PR Daily contacted me to follow up on a 2007 article I wrote for the Public Relations Society of America newsletter, in which I talked about the gap that then existed between traditional PR and social media.  As was pointed out in a Ragan’s blog post that appeared just this weekwe've successfully bridged this gap.
I reflected on all this in another blog post for Pilot Communications Group, an agency that embodies this new world of integrated communications.
What can we take away from all this?  While we know changes have taken place, it's worthwhile to stop and think about how far we've come and how all of us -- PR and communications practitioners as well as the companies we support -- have benefited.  
And it's a reminder that we should continue to embrace change, for based on what we're seeing today, I think there are even more benefits to be realized by those in the PR and communications world who adapt and evolve.

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