Sunday, November 10, 2013

Our Sporting Lives are a Sign of the Times

Adweek's Data Points feature is one of my favorite reads, providing always interesting snapshots of media trends. Since we're in the midst of the pro football season, fresh off a remarkable baseball Cinderella story, and watching the return of NHL and NBA games, it seemed like a good time to dig out a Data Points report from a few months back that looked at "Sporting Life." Among the topics this data addressed: how we consume sports content.  Not surprising, mobile, social networks and online scored the biggest gains from 2011 to 2013 -- and nearly 60 percent have changed their consumption habits over the past two years. Watching sports is clearly one of those activities that's a reflection of how the public's media preferences are changing.  So next time you fire up your laptop to check stats while watching a game on TV or pull out your phone to check scores before the waiter arrives with dinner, remember that you're a sign of the times.

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