Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Selfies (2013 "Word of the Year") Expand Our View of the World

"Selfie" was just announced by Oxford Dictionaries as their word of the year for 2013, and it's a significant one for followers of the media.  Years ago, we began to hear the term self-publishing tossed about, and since that time it's far more prevelant in our lives.  Where once we were dependent upon traditional media for news updates, today blogs, tweets, Facebook posts and other forms of social media -- including selfies shared online -- are a way we learn about happenings not only in our families, but in our hometowns and around the world.  I'm still a believer in traditional media and the advantage of having the perspective of media professionals -- international correspodents, investigative reporters, colmunists, etc. -- and that goes for professional news photographers as well.  But selfies -- like other forms of self-publishing -- add an exciting new dimension to our view of the world.  Check out this link that reimagines famous photos as selfies -- it makes you wonder what scenes we would have witnessed if selfies were possible in decades past. 

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