Wednesday, March 12, 2014

SXWS Shows Us: "We're All Technies" (and that's good news for tech PR and comms)

In recent years, SXSW has cemented its position as a leading spotlight for the intersection of technology and entertainment.  The 2014 conference -- taking place this week -- is no exception, with a focus that ranges from the debate over bitcoin and crypto-currency to panel discussions featuring the likes of TV's Mindy Kaling.  We've seen tech start-ups and sports superstars, representatives from major corporations and visitors from nations like New Zealand and Chili.  There is a message across all this -- one captured in a Wall Street Journal "Reporter's Journal" piece today entitled "We're All Techies".  It reinforces a point we've seen coming for years: how technology is becoming increasingly mainstream.  This article points out that few industries or parts of our personal lives go untouched at SXSW, a fact that highlights that tech is clearly at the center of the new economy.  As someone who early on decided to focus his communications career on technology, that's good news.   Technology PR is so much more interesting today than years ago, thanks to tech's increasing reach.  More important, it's also good news for all of us who reap the benefits of technology every day -- in how we communicate with and interact with others, in how we work, in how we protect ourselves and loved ones, in  how we play....and on and on. Because truly, we are all techies today.

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